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Feedback and Suggestions

I always hated that new posts box. :lol It's a specific addon for vbulletin though and I'm pretty sure doesn't exist for this software as yet (I was looking through the addons earlier and there's hardly anything of use).

I was always happy simply clicking the "new posts" link, Gav although the one on here is really irritating me as it doesn't list all the latest posts. Just... threads you haven't read I think. You have to then click "show all recent messages" which I would rather have in the menu.
I always hated that new posts box. :lol It's a specific addon for vbulletin though and I'm pretty sure doesn't exist for this software as yet (I was looking through the addons earlier and there's hardly anything of use).

I was always happy simply clicking the "new posts" link, Gav although the one on here is really irritating me as it doesn't list all the latest posts. Just... threads you haven't read I think. You have to then click "show all recent messages" which I would rather have in the menu.

I have found this... it's gobbledegook to me, but to you perhaps a little more...

Hmmmm. Maybe, Gavster. I'll look into that one. As far as I can tell it's very similar to the one we had on TDP. Damn you and your eagle eyed ways! :lol Seems you can put it in the sidebar too though... interesting.
I've removed that silly "Staff Online" block from the sidebar. Pointless waste of space in my opinion but if anyone wants it back just say.
I miss the 'new posts'button, & this version on here I find very pissoffable

Somebody, can't remember who, liked the 'staff online' bow, thought it was Slick :unsure
I've mentioned a couple of times the "new posts" button, Swoop. It should be easy for us to add it though. I'll sort it. I'm just looking at a widget thing which puts latest threads and various other things into the sidebar too. Also looking into getting a bookie menu somewhere.
That newest posts in the sidebar thing isn't what I was expecting either. Sigh. I'll keep looking.
I can maybe edit it and have a play about though... I hope it's not annoying anyone.
It's not too bad this really is it? (the new posts in the sidebar thing)
:lol The main issue really is that it's always me all the way down the fucking thing. If more people were active then it would be less embarrassing from my point of view.
Might I suggest a few potted plants be discreetly arranged about the forum? I find that they bring a cheerful dash of colour to even the most sombre of settings, especially now that the evenings are drawing in. I favour African Violets myself. Mrs Jamieson - who owns the hairdressers here in my little village - cultivates them and very kindly makes a cutting for me from time to time. Of course, there is no requirement that they should have to be African Violets - but still.
Marple!? OMFG! lol Small world. I come here to meet young boys too. What are we like eh? A pair of sluts. lol I've been memorizing league two stats, hoping to impress. Hey, everyone will think there's been a murder or summat. lol Fuck me. Imagine their faces. Whoever Manure (my boyz!) are playing eh? "There's been a murder!" lol Call Marple and Fletcher. Cagney and who? lol​

I agree with the potted plants. Plus 10 rep to you or whatever it is they say these days. lol Who do Rochdale have this week? Doh! lol​
Well, I'm sure that's very nice dear, but impersonating a fictional character is a little tiresome don't you think?

Especially when one does it badly.
Aye. The accent is soooo fake. Wasn't she in betnod and broomsticks actually? Weird coincidence.
Have you got a team that you follow Miss Marple, who do you support? :)

Betnod and Broomsticks Mickey :lol clever that.
I'm afraid I must confess that I don't follow any particular team nowadays. Many years ago I did pay attention to the results of the Much Benham Irregulars, but alas they disbanded after the war. There weren't many of them left, you see.

Perhaps a few potted geraniums would be a suitable compromise?