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Feedback and Suggestions

right right right right right , you've made ure point i'll have a look at it.
I'm only saying.:laugh

Fuck's sake, I thought this place was for feedback and suggestions
Dont start fucking about with it just to suit ODM's phone Slick, looks fine to me. Slap his head and tell him to do one.
I think ure right Punter, i'm in admin and can't remember why the fcuk i'm in there now and have come back to this thread to remind me what the moaning bastard was going on about.
ODM do you realise the big SIGN UP box and the login box do the same thing?
I didn't until i clicked it a second ago:laugh
now thats cleared up its just a matter of trying to make the password background a different colour for fancy pant'ses I-phone.
Are the boxes supposed to have changed?

They haven't. How about renaming the big one "Sign in or Join up"

The only think that's changed is the colour of the password box (which is great:thumb)
If we could slightly downsize the avatar that would be great, only by 2 or 3 mm, then it'll be parallel with the google box on my toolbar & look great. If you could leave it easily changeable though in case I change my toolbar? That'd be super. Also, that little arrow coming off the avatar & pointing into the post....reckon thats supposed to be 90 degrees but I've measured it & its actually 93.5.....looks sloppy I reckon.

Thanks in advance :)
If we could slightly downsize the avatar that would be great, only by 2 or 3 mm, then it'll be parallel with the google box on my toolbar & look great. If you could leave it easily changeable though in case I change my toolbar? That'd be super. Also, that little arrow coming off the avatar & pointing into the post....reckon thats supposed to be 90 degrees but I've measured it & its actually 93.5.....looks sloppy I reckon.

Thanks in advance :)


I'm flying through these problems now, next........
Just a thought Slick..

Regarding newcomers to the site...

The first thing they see is the 'Say Hello' ..that's fine.

Then they see, 'Betting Talk' and 'Betting offers' ... you probably/maybe have to have the offers this high up? But imo the Betting talk should be much lower down on the list (it's used rarely compared to the betting forums anyway). Having it this high up means they have to scroll down before they see the forums that imo count....Brittish football betting, Worldwide betting etc.

What if the dont want to say hello to start with or take up any betting offers and cant be arsed to scroll down any further?

I know that the first thing i want to catch my eye are the betting forums, without having to scroll down for them. I'm guessing if you've a big enough screen then they are in view anyway, but if you're on a small laptop or phone then they are out of view.

It's just a thought/suggestion.
Cheers Punt, thats been crossing my mind and the reason i dropped comments and suggestions down, suppose i could move betting talk down into the general category too which would make a bit more space at the top.
Slick, I'm having a problem with the "what's new" button. I've pressed it on my computer (using chrome and IE) and I'm getting a completely different set of recent posts compared to when I press "what's new" on my ipad - ie, some are missing on my computer.

It may be down to cache'd stuff but nobody is going to clear their cookies everytime they log on, so is it something obvious that can be fixed?
Slick - Can we have a "Members betting records" section.

We can expand the rags to riches to include that title or have a separate one. They're virtually the same thing anyway
Good shout Win, if we can get them down by about 3mm they'll sit parallel with my tool bar :)
Haven't read all the comments on here, but is it possible to get a newest post box below the banner like on that site that can't be named? At least then it's easier to keep track of new posts. I get the whole track a certain thread though.