dont mind me slick. Im just trying to help you all and also take a break from what i am doing (yes its website related but ive forgotten my vision and google plus, facebook and twitter have all nicked my ideas) takes them a day and maybe 10k to do what has taken me about 8 years and most of my health and all off my friends (online and off) Im a joke to my family too. Man i was gonna make the best website ever and now i dont know if there is a place for it anymore.
I note that sidebar blocks in forums themselves dont seem to be high up on the agenda of these folks addon
One think i do like about Drupal though is i could probably make 90% of them things myself and to suit me. anyhow.......
Looks like its all template files that this forum is made from. Ive got a demo open here and just found the admin section. (im up against time here on the demo) ...
I see the div class 'mainContainer_noSidebar' which makes me think that the main container can have sidebars. All be template files. I might go try get a dodgy copy to fuck about with. I dont even care if you want sidebars in forums slick its just me taking a break.
I quite like the 'thread prefixes' option slick
it wont let me paste a link to it. If i used it it would have things like errrr........
betting tip: Wolves To beat Wimbledon
help required: Anyone see why Wolves wont beat Wimbledon?
system post: Wolves v Wimbledon (nah thas a bit shite)
maybe you dont need it. actually a fella is using it here to pretty shitty effect.
mmmmmm have you got an anti spammer thingy on for links? Maybe i just havent posted enough!!!!! lol
The best anti spam way of doing things ive found is to lead all registration links to a page where i have a code 'BM2014' for instance and a wee bit of text on how i hate spammers and youve got no chance here so fuck off. If you dont want to fuck off i then have a link to the proper registration page where they need to add the code. I went from about 700 spammy signups a day to none. Sometimes i wish one would get throug just so as i could have someone to talk to. It was ok though as Trickrick and hornets would ensure that 98% of my content was all daft twitter type betting AND I WASNT EVEN RUNNING A BETTING SITE!!!!! sistermoon and brothr wolf would never hang about to talk about extra dimensional beings as they thought we was just a betting site. I can laugh now but at the time it was frustrating. anyhow....
funny enough them thread prefixes also works as tags i see. Not too bad then.
ante post: My anter posts bets
ante - post: who will win the EPL
I like tags as theyre forums away from the forums. Your never gonna have an ante post forum but its good to go to the ante post prefix tags and see posts like the above and
ante post: Guiness Premier Rugby Tips 2016
It brings in posts from all the forums to one kinda forum that would never exist. Fuck all this talk is making me want to make a betting website.
I have there which im just using for storing my scottish links and doing a weekly 'early bird' sunday night post on the scottish foottball and a friday night 'tips for the weekend'
Im not letting folks join up. Fuck then you end up having to talk to them or worse they talk to you. If i see another 'ive just been looking at the stats and i fully expect Singapore Soldiers v Pakistani Army to finish under 1.5' post again ill bloody throttle someone. Right are any teams missing key players? Do ay teams have new players? Hows the weather? h2h's? etc etc I'll say it again 'stats are no indication of future events only records of previous events'. To prove my point ive posted like an arsehole for the past 4 years but does that mean that i am posting like an arsehole today? No (oi oi) as its how things are right here and now with all those involved not how things where in the past.
Fuck pakistani army might have swapped a few MIG's for 3 of the best forwards in the league. Do stat bettors know this? no and they dont care to find out.
Quick tip to bettors old and new. Dont bet everyday on anything for a buzz. Spend that time reading up on your favourite leagues so as youve got a better chance at beating the bookies with the small margins that your making for yoursellf.
or to put it another way 'dont be an idiot all your life'.
oh fuck sidebars that was my goal here. You probably know how to do them in forums slick. If so i would fire some essental links (pertaining to the forum in question) and maybe the odd banner again related to the forum. Not only is it handy for the members slick (some might not be on their own computer and can use betnod as their one stop betting link shop) It DOES encourage folks to post too. Let them idly flick about looking for info and they'll want to tell someone the things theyve found out. Before you know it folks are chatting away like fuck.
And of course the main point slick..........turning your 190 characters per line down to something more reasonable that folks can read with ease.