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Link Exchange (& more?)

get all your posts posted on facebook/google plus/ twitter and that will realy get them in. Im sure Winrew wouldnt mind bossing it all and making things hapen round here whilst no one was looking.
The internet has changed. Those with million dollor dev teams run the score. They might actually get a few kids in that know what to do like google but even then they still let themselves down with their lack of understandments of a mans needs.

Ive been on google plus for a while. Love their communites etc (just as i was trying to do 7 years ago) well i thoight i liked it till i saw your just working or the man then. Its shiney it works well but it has no soul.

I might still try to take them on. Ive got good ideas. Ones they havent thought of yet. I fear websites are now only there to give information and good information too. Information that brings folks back each week. Community is gone. Everyone is out for themselves. Im trying to work out the next best way forward. Making 2005 websites aint gonna be it slick i think.

There was a sale on at godaddy wednesday morning. I had just got a load of stimulating drugs and i bought a few. deepstackedmonster.com as a poker site. wowfreebets.com as a free bet site

Ill never do any of them though as i just want to post and google gives me that. I think there are ways to make moey out of posting well on the social sites and having a website behind you.

ach well im just rabbiting. ecigxfactor.com was looking great slick till i screwed it. Still worth a look if you want 50%. doing recipes and everything. I deleted a css file and it just looks crap

I also see now that we just got lucky. No other small betting forus will be getting sold for what we made. The time was right.. God i hate websites. I cant talk to people any more.

sod it im away to start a rich Drunken women of Scotland Looking For a 44yr old Man Community. Ive got nothing to lose.
I think I've got that bookmarked somewhere Komp along with a load of others that I need to get around to look at, I've got quite a few options to put a sidebar in the forum but until I get around to sorting of the bloody thing on the home page I've not thought about it yet.
I've been doing a lot of gaming of late on the ps3, I've never bothered before with console online gaming but since I discovered what the 'matchmaking' button did I can't get enough of it lol.
With that and work I hardly get time to do anything else these days, would love to get involved with summat eciggy but I just don's have the time to commit myself at the moment m8.
I wentinto buy an xbox 360 from cash convertors last week slick. I almost bought it and then i realised it played absolutley no role in my future. I like messing with websites and playing poker. Why bother doing something that doesnt help you get out the rut? Like my 'i will never wor again' thread, i dont sit at home playing video games. I work. bloody hard too. Dont hang about social nor dating sites. Like work, i will never play another video game again.

Aye check out that golden ratio thingy slick. Your waaaaaay out when the forum is at full. Has it got a max width? I sat for 2 days doing typography and then i binned the website. Still least i knew. If the folks coming here find it easy on the eye theyre more likely to stay and its just a small though on the admins side.
the most common font sized these days are 16-18px for BODY text would you believe. Your 11px is a big big no no for reasons i cant explain now. I dunno if you offer viewpoints on the theme wich im sure you do, but most mobile users wont be able to read your text.

Text always has been to me the most important aspect of a website. Good Content and text is about 70% of the battle really
wow your 920px wide at the biggest. I was just working with that. I couldnt get a font below 19 or 18px to be best suited. I had to redesign (a website that i aint opening) so as i could cut down the line width to something that would give me 16px with a 26px line height. If i followed their instruction it was like a spazz site.

Its all science slick and if you can get that right then everything else will follow suit.
that thing is recommending your type to be best for a 336px wide bit of reading. The optoman charcter per line is 83 and your up at 190 :eek i ait laughing slick, well a wee bit but worth looking into. Defo use at least 13px for forums. Even then 16 is prob best (uh huh) its a new age of mobile phones thats changes it all. Way back you could get away with 8px small text but now the internet police would shut you down or give you a polite warning.

Its all good science slick as if you aint read up on the Golden Ratio then wiki it. Its been with us for thousands of years. I dont agree with it all but heh if its the golden ration then.....weell who am i to bring down civilisation.
or you could say as my brother in law did when i tried to help my sister with her new photography business "well you aint selling pictures to Ross are you?" - wrrrrrrrong attitude im afraid
dont mind me slick. Im just trying to help you all and also take a break from what i am doing (yes its website related but ive forgotten my vision and google plus, facebook and twitter have all nicked my ideas) takes them a day and maybe 10k to do what has taken me about 8 years and most of my health and all off my friends (online and off) Im a joke to my family too. Man i was gonna make the best website ever and now i dont know if there is a place for it anymore.

I note that sidebar blocks in forums themselves dont seem to be high up on the agenda of these folks addon

One think i do like about Drupal though is i could probably make 90% of them things myself and to suit me. anyhow.......

Looks like its all template files that this forum is made from. Ive got a demo open here and just found the admin section. (im up against time here on the demo) ...

I see the div class 'mainContainer_noSidebar' which makes me think that the main container can have sidebars. All be template files. I might go try get a dodgy copy to fuck about with. I dont even care if you want sidebars in forums slick its just me taking a break.

I quite like the 'thread prefixes' option slick

it wont let me paste a link to it. If i used it it would have things like errrr........

betting tip: Wolves To beat Wimbledon
help required: Anyone see why Wolves wont beat Wimbledon?
system post: Wolves v Wimbledon (nah thas a bit shite)

maybe you dont need it. actually a fella is using it here to pretty shitty effect.

mmmmmm have you got an anti spammer thingy on for links? Maybe i just havent posted enough!!!!! lol

The best anti spam way of doing things ive found is to lead all registration links to a page where i have a code 'BM2014' for instance and a wee bit of text on how i hate spammers and youve got no chance here so fuck off. If you dont want to fuck off i then have a link to the proper registration page where they need to add the code. I went from about 700 spammy signups a day to none. Sometimes i wish one would get throug just so as i could have someone to talk to. It was ok though as Trickrick and hornets would ensure that 98% of my content was all daft twitter type betting AND I WASNT EVEN RUNNING A BETTING SITE!!!!! sistermoon and brothr wolf would never hang about to talk about extra dimensional beings as they thought we was just a betting site. I can laugh now but at the time it was frustrating. anyhow....

funny enough them thread prefixes also works as tags i see. Not too bad then.

ante post: My anter posts bets
ante - post: who will win the EPL

I like tags as theyre forums away from the forums. Your never gonna have an ante post forum but its good to go to the ante post prefix tags and see posts like the above and

ante post: Guiness Premier Rugby Tips 2016

It brings in posts from all the forums to one kinda forum that would never exist. Fuck all this talk is making me want to make a betting website.

I have ukfootballbet.com there which im just using for storing my scottish links and doing a weekly 'early bird' sunday night post on the scottish foottball and a friday night 'tips for the weekend'

Im not letting folks join up. Fuck then you end up having to talk to them or worse they talk to you. If i see another 'ive just been looking at the stats and i fully expect Singapore Soldiers v Pakistani Army to finish under 1.5' post again ill bloody throttle someone. Right are any teams missing key players? Do ay teams have new players? Hows the weather? h2h's? etc etc I'll say it again 'stats are no indication of future events only records of previous events'. To prove my point ive posted like an arsehole for the past 4 years but does that mean that i am posting like an arsehole today? No (oi oi) as its how things are right here and now with all those involved not how things where in the past.

Fuck pakistani army might have swapped a few MIG's for 3 of the best forwards in the league. Do stat bettors know this? no and they dont care to find out.

Quick tip to bettors old and new. Dont bet everyday on anything for a buzz. Spend that time reading up on your favourite leagues so as youve got a better chance at beating the bookies with the small margins that your making for yoursellf.

or to put it another way 'dont be an idiot all your life'.

oh fuck sidebars that was my goal here. You probably know how to do them in forums slick. If so i would fire some essental links (pertaining to the forum in question) and maybe the odd banner again related to the forum. Not only is it handy for the members slick (some might not be on their own computer and can use betnod as their one stop betting link shop) It DOES encourage folks to post too. Let them idly flick about looking for info and they'll want to tell someone the things theyve found out. Before you know it folks are chatting away like fuck.

And of course the main point slick..........turning your 190 characters per line down to something more reasonable that folks can read with ease.
slick them banners under the forum above the posting box. Create a div class and add this to your css and they'll stay nicely within the forum no matter how big the window size is-

.someclass img {

that said it will only work for your images not iframes (must be a way to do iframes a % surely?)

try it with firebug on your willie hill banner in gen chat forum. Lets go see that big old bet365 banner whilst i here.... nah thats shockwave....not good for a site. Id recommend getting the same banner as a gif or jpg png etc and using the code mentioned on it obviously sorting the the max-width to suit.
soz slick as ever i just like to share my knowledge. In this day and age setting font-size is not good. Its even worse if youve set it less than 12px (youve got 11px) mobile phones find this hard to deal with as errrrrr i forget. Ill get some good pages on it all though.. oh and also line heights of less than 150% are soooooooo 2001. You wanna keep in the Golden Ratio of Typography and then you cant go wrong. Heh its been athetic on the eye to the greeks 2000 years ago and it still is.

try this in your style.css isntead of what you have-

body {
etc etc

This means that you dont chose the font size for a device it defaults to what the device/browser uses (usually 16px) believe it or or not the avg font size these days on websites is anything between 16 and 18px for body text!!!! yes i know. 11px isnt a good thing. Work not in px, nor em or even %. rem is all the thing these days. Use it for your margins and line heights too as it means thats it all 'moves together' quite niceley

im sure ive posted this here before but its an excellent tool

Would you believe that this is the Golden Ration for your forum post widths?

Best Typography for a 920px-wide Setting
Font Size: 19 Line Height: 31 Content Width: 920 Approx. CPL: 110

You dont want spazzy 19px text though so get them blocks on the forum pages and you can get away with 16px. 14px at the least seeing as your all well used to small text. Mobile first design though slick though slick as soon there will be more people using tablets and mobiles to view websites than pc's.

Media queries are cool too....actually id work on the icons above the posting bar as they are hard to see and i still cant find a 'format' one to get rid of all this dark text.

@media all and (max-width: 600px) {

{ font-size: 0.75rem; line-height: 1.5rem }


Will give you 12px text with a proper line height on smaller devices. You can even target side margins ....which you dont have to. One thing i would add is this.....

@media all and (max-width: 600px) {

.messageUserBlock a.username {

which will stop the username under the avatar going over two lines. It gives you some ideas. I must be tire or a retard as i cant see your Quote button slick. Get rid of all that other indent shite thant confuses folks. Ill be back after the pub explaining how to make your own buttons creating your own code which you can use.

ps get a div class about them banners bottom of forum so as you can make them resize with the forum so as theyre always full width and not overhanging slick. Presentation is about 1/3rd of the game. Having something to market and having something people want to read is much more important but if youve got the basics done then theyre done.

Sory for going on slick i just needed a break. If it wasnt for a website obsession i reckon i could pop by every so many days and share my INTERESTING knowledge on web design, poker and scottish football betting.

forget all this

@media all and (max-width: 600px) {

.messageUserBlock a.username {

as either its working just from the forums or else you have a media query in there making it go full width and rather nice. Just as you wish. easy loife.
soz dont mind me. i should be at a party (honest guv) met 2 'new best mates' in the past week. They think im great and interesting and cant say anything too much wrong. Their quite interesting themselves and like drugs and guitar, heavy talks and cant stop themseleves from getting arrested. They dont do much web siting though nor gambling bar in stupid ways that i hope i have made them see the light with. I dont have pals. Gave them alll up. Might be time to start picking some up though as at my age mens wives like to run away with me or have ok sisters that will leave their husbands too. Beware if i start drinking in your local lol.

Anyhow ive been on the betnod typography trail all night. If i can do anything for my old muckers its at least to make them have as pleasant an experience online as they can. To me typography is the end all and be all of things. Its what you take in and it needs to be nice. Mickeypaul will confirm this as i used to bore the pants off him with it when we didnt know anything way back.

Anyhow.....Its actually not too bad considersirig. Ill work out the best font size and line height with ot without sidebars Which i recommend you get for the reasons offered above. Fuck if i want horse racing reseults i dont want to work my way to spottng life especially if im on a works computer i want to go to 'old faithfull' betnod as they have a link in teir horse racing forum.

Thats never Open Sans i'm typing surely? looks more Georgian which infact has made a comeback and all the sites are having it. I LIKE open sans myself mind. Not as menu links etc as slick has done it (slick never had an eye for these things lol and we can see that mickeypaul aint about)

Open Sans needs to be your body text as its crisp and clean and modern and looks Fuuuuucking good. That or helevicta neue.

I have to admit im getting about 7 differant font and about 8 differant font sizes throughtout and thats where the probs start. Font sizes nestle and when you make a font 1.625rem say its actually aking a font thats aready 1.345rem up that bit to be about 17px. This will not do.

I should be here sorting this mess out

sorrry my version here-
http://fudbook.com/ (i dne away withall the fancy stuff) once i get my teeth into something i cant stop biting. It was the same last week when i spent 2 days learning typography stuff when i should have been signing on. Licky i got a sick line. Anyhow..... lets het this sorted. Slick can take my suggestions or forget them He never asjed me to do so. I just think if something is worth doing its worth doing well ala 8 years on and ive still not got an operational website.

Suggestions to follow.

One thing slick google developer tools doesnt like your site which usuallu means a load of errors

I darent even try run it through an error thingy as it will hold me back and i have no access to fix it. I still might though after a pee a snort ad a good old guzzle. Yes this is what life is all about to me. Just need a pretty lady sucking on my cock or telling me shes leaving me as i pay her no attention whilst Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan play in the background nd ive got a drink. Nothing bothers me then.

this needs sorting straight away slick. 10px font :eeeek if your site alllowed me to tun it through google responsive i think we wouldnt see it on a mobile

.node .nodeStats {
font-size: 0.75rem; font-size: 12px;
line-height:1.125rem; line-height:18px;

the 12px is just backup for older browesers slick. 10px is a masssssive no no. Infact I HAVE to see that on an mobile. shame my tablet is in cash converstors.
nah you must have parse errors slick. No cunt wants to know your html. they think its tinks sorry. BUT its o im here taking a break from websites and im aerrrrrr helping you out with a website.. Lets wc3 it,,
message .messageInfo li {

should align your youtube vids in the center of the page if you wish. Be nicer if/when you get a few sideblocks to make the long length less and the vids would sit nice.
Last edited:
all in pretty nasty slick and i can say that as aman who had 306 errors on his site erlier. youve only got 30+
http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.betnod.com/threads/link-exchange-more.3065/page-2&charset=(detect automatically)&doctype=Inline&ss=1&group=0&verbose=1&user-agent=W3C_Validator/1.3 http://validator.w3.org/services

its not letting me run your site through any responsive thingies so there must be some bad stuff. Lets see the css......

ah wel this explains it. about 50 parse errors in your css just for this page alone.

Looks like someone on drugs put it all together. Not good drugs btw. The sort of drugs thats makes you worry over one parse error for 3 nights but bad drugs ones that makes you ust go down the pub and get full of it and snort loads of coke living off affiliate deals etc. Not good Slick but thats not a slag at you. I just mean that you should stay off the coke till your css parse errors are fixed lol

Fuck id go back out today if i had more than 18p to my name. anyone one reading this want to send poor old komp a tenner via paypal at kompressaur @gmail.com and ill be your online buddy for life (well till you start to take the piss out of me thinking that you own me etc)
slick your banners at the bottom are awful im sorry mate. I know ive been there seen it done it. thought it was a good plan. Theyre just adding weight to the page and you know yourself youll be lucky to get 5 clicks in 4 years never mind 2 signups. Ive a feeling it wasnt you though slick it was someone who actually thought there is money to be made in this game. There is if you get lucky and get n with the right folks and you all work like bastards till your wives are leaving you. Even then you'll probably be luc y to make fuck all. We got lucly and i knew that. 2 weeks after they offered us the moey TSP could have been worth 2000k 20001k if winrew had kept his post rate up. No offence to betting forum members but theres ir WUNNING a betting forum and there is simply POSTING on a betting forum. You post as you like it as the place is good.. Fuck i aint posted in earnest on a bettin forum since late 2005. I realised how much hard work had to be done 'out back'. Not many folks do know this. Simply posting up your saturday accy accy on the Place Your Bets Here thread with no input whilst you sat in gen cht talking about how theyve put 10p on a pint in the club IS NOT RUNNING A BETTING FORUM. sorry.

Id get rid of all 3 and make one banner to a freebets page be it a BN one or another website. Ive got wowfreebets.com there wgich i might use. Got some sare names if your interested. ts all about getting ggole weight off the website to the frree bet site. thats here the money is

as it stands slic i think you need some media queries in there. from about 814px wide till about 1011px you need to ake the images smaller a %. I cant be arsed working it out. Id get rid of all the crap padding and box heights etc around it and simplay make it something like

@media all and (max-width: 1011px) and (min-width: 814px) { uix_footer_columnWrapper img { width: 70%; height:70% }

or something as you have the shockave thingy. Best bet is to get a banner to your free bets site as then it encompassess everything and it give you some google juice.

Right i suppose i might as well go to bed. Not touched a drink or a beer since i came in Manix as ever.

Ill have a drink and a smoke and do some more suggestions. You know ilike to make suggestions. The whole of the human race is out there but there doesnt seem to be many with much of a clue as far as i can tell and i mean that outwith here. The world is yours if you want it. Im gonna consider a way to take it as i dont care anymore. Ive tken enough drugs this week to kill a rhino and nex week im gonna take more. Ive been off the 'stims' for too long. I NEED to get things done in life. Maybe pop by my site (if i have one) or ill pop by and tell you how its going.

Laters potatoes xx