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ps i was probably one of the few that managed to get hold of some Ephenidine the other week. wooo hooo hooo. what a drug to make you want to stop taking other drugs. It spelt out life to me and the lackings of me in my position in it. Before i hated everything and now.... well we are all differant aren't we?

Had to drink tonight. 1st time since 13th Feb. No drugs. Just a need of the bliss that is Ephenidine. It's not like any other drug ive ever tried. Its just Life +++. No madness, no bodyload just sheer bliss (and understanding). I refuse to post as my nomdelume 'fadgadget' here as ....well i just dont want any sod to know about the drug. 25yrs of twitchy hands and legs gone calmness ive never know. I forgot that drugs used to be fun
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i'm am sorry that i use betnod as a place to post things i dont even want my familly to know about. They wouldnt understand. Im sure you see.

Who want's to put a sausage up my bum? ooops it's not that kind of place either.

When i start 'slagging off the world' via youtube i'll let it be known that betnod's about the only place i know thats 'ok reallly' ....'but just dont expect any good betting tips' lol (soz - im stil laughig too hard soz..just peed myself like a girl)
Don't expect folks to follow your misguided dreams either. Unless your 'really nice' and folks are prepared to be misguided by you till you fail. That could never be a way of winning. I want to be less uncouth and downright shitty with people. I can be 'that man', i think. Less interest, more goodness. Rating for fun if needs be etc.

Again i should say that im not on the drugs that i have used lately that i know will drive me to be sociable if i want to or not. Cant see how i'll ever take them again. Ive got it on first authority that any drug barr lsd, mushrooms and Ephenidine every drug is either killing you, made by the man or pacifying you I have no care for any and this is at least 10 days after my Ephenidine intake.

Ill say no more about drugs here and now but as long as you know all ive had in 2 weeks till now is about 1g of weed and 3ltrs cheap cider. Im going to cancel my doctor oppointment made before Ephenidine awareness as i dont want none of their shitty drugs interferring with my self medicaton. Ive sorted my depression and suprisingly my circulation problems out with Ephenidine.

No come down and life revealing. It's what drugs shoud be about.

ps theyve banned my 'Advanced User' role at chemicalwire and refuse to serve me anymore. I dont mind as i will get some although i see no reason to ban it as it really is just Life +++. No hangover, no sweats just 2 week lasting bliss :)