me a non-fan?where do you get that from(unless it was a post a long time ago about it not being as succinct as Martina Cole-which it couldnt be as shes a bestseller?)
having said that,I have a confession of sorts:as I read lots of books,if I find myself reading a long book with lots of fight/action scenes I simply edit out the whole fight scene.
simply cos i probably aint gonna learn much about the hero or,indeed,the human condition from a fight scene.
All that matters in a fight/action scene is who wins...
so I just jump to the end and carry on.
Thus I havnt passed judgement on your book-if I had a copy Id read it...but Id edit any passages I felt it necessary to do so,innit.
(A few weeks ago,in a bookshop,a Geordie approached me and asked me to buy his book.I asked him the subject matter and,on being told it was from the viewpoint of a dog who is adopted by a family,that its about the effect of war on families and about being gay in Newcastle in the 70s,I said those sujects dont really appeal

but agreed to buy his book if he bought mine.Have tried to read it-its much more concise than Swoops and there dont appear to be any action scenes,but to no avail..but,anyway,the point is,I do TRY
