City having money and a decent team has made it worse cause we are now on a level playing field and because United fans are used to winning they just argue like fcuk expecting United to win whilst the rest of the world and his dog can see they are't the team they used to be.
given that most of them are incapable of any kind of thought of their own (which is why they just pick the biggest club in the country to follow in the first place)
The problem with statements like these is that
you are also guilty of the same blinkered mentality that you're (correctly) accusing the majority of United fans of having. There's no difference, you're just on the opposite side. And because of the tribal emotions that football evokes, it's a trait that exists in every fan of every football club.
Slick, Citeh fans have been an absolute pain in the arse this season since the Derby. Even you kept posting '6-1' in response to some of my posts when it wasn't relevant. I've no doubt you've had years of shit from United fans but CIteh giddiness has been in overdrive for most of the season and the fact that you're trying to buy success in such a short space of time, after years of criticising Blackburn, Chelsea and United for it, seems to have been conveniently ignored. Your 'real' football club is a thing of the past and everything Citeh have stood for over the years is gone. You are now the very thing you have criticised United for for the past 20 years. And therefore hypocrites in our eyes. That's United's viewpoint which naturally Citeh fans won't agree with. But are we not allowed to point that out when you're turning your back on the game jumping up and down like a load of buffoons? Or should we just listen to your giddiness and accept it?
Are some United fans a pain in the arse? Yes absolutely and I've said so earlier in this thread. But your lot (as are most fans) are no better.
ALL football fans are deluded, blinkered and can descend into immaturity in proving 'their Dad's hardest' - it's just some 'human beings' control it and others don't. This isn't because of the team they support, it's because of the type of human being they are. However, the main difference between United's fans and other fans is we've had 20 years of success. This gives our nobhead fans a platform to be nobheads. It also gives our opposition nobhead fans a platform to be nobheads.
A nobhead is a nobhead regardless of who he supports.
There's a Blackburn fan on another forum who is banging on about an off the ball incident with Rooney but conveniently dismisses several Blackburn fouls/incidents that should have been punished. He also discusses how he sorted out a couple of United fans sat in the home end. If a United fan posted all of that, he'd be slaughtered by the ABUs. He's not had one response.
I've actually had enough of this type of ABU shite you lot post on here. Because it's from people I know are intelligent and I like, it's just become very very frustrating. You've been doing it for fucking years. It's always the same old cliches and I've always been the lone 'sane' voice trying to reason with you but no, you just recycle the same old ABU bollox year in, year out every time a moron appears (who happens to support United). Wes appears from nowhere, acts like a complete and utter tosspot (sorry wes but you have) and suddenly the posts appear about how all/most United fans are this, that and the other. It's fucking pathetic and I'm done with it. So I'll leave you to play with wes and Yorkie so they can satisfy your overpowering desire to accuse ALL United fans of being gloryhunters, etc.
And yes I am fucking