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Melodifestivalen 2012

You missed a zero there Gav, Danny is at 40k with the official page :) granted, most of them are from before this year's MF. On the other hand, Loreen has a shitload of foreign likers who can't vote in MF.
I do believe that they would more likely vote for a blond with blue eyes then a dark haired person who sings the same song - yes.

It just seems to me that you have nothing to back the theory with? And if so, it feels a bit useless imo.

As far as I can remember, the (few) non-ethnic swedes participating lately have generally done ok or great. Like Saade and Swingfly (and Salem Al-Fakir for that matter).
Happy to be corrected. Makes me feel more positive for next Saturday!
I cant see Danny winning. And if Danny gets to Baku, I need to bet big against Sweden. I dont see Danny having a chance to win. It's solid, but quite forgettable. Kind of like Estonia last year. Decent pop stuff, but easy to forget. No way he wins the whole shebang in Baku. Loreen on the other hand... I can see it happening. For me It's a better song by a clear margin, but the stage show is weak'ish. Dont really know.. I have to hope for Danny to win, and lay sweden :p Maybe I should do it now as much as I can.. hmm, it's hard this early. :p
Danny-you're amazing,just the way you are..the way you are..the way you are are are etc..Loreen,Kate Bush did it better in 1978,but I'll give it to you on balance..
As for the second chance tomorrow my predictions are: Timotej (will clear Johnson and then i expect them to overcome Top Cats or Dynasty due to their appeal to Swedish voters and to their Swedish ethnic song) and Sean Banan (will battle with Youngblood but his song is more catchy and different and then probably win the winner of the other duel, which is going to be though the dark horse of the night, since we cannot really tell if an older entrant is going to be voted that much - hopefully not).
The two combined are in an excellent 12,75 which is going to be my choice. What are your predictions?
Both Danny and Loreen are now picking up likes at an impressive rate... Danny at 42,5k and Loreen at 23k.

As for SC, I bet Dynazty to Q @3.25-3.35 (and then got really lucky with the draw imo). Have hedged just a wee bit with Top Cats @10.00.

In the other group I made a speculative play on Christer & Lotta @8.00.

Teo4, do you really think Swedes will vote for the non-etchnic Sean Banan? Sverigedemokraterna have already denounced him as a "shame for Sweden"...
Really? I didnt know that. Well, anyone would guess that Youngblood is the easy choice (young, fresh and happy), but I think (if they dont boycott it massively) that they will choose Sean Banan - its something unique, kinda like Oh My God of The Moniker last year.
I've backed Timoteij H2H vs Andreas Johnson @2.35 now - not so much because I believe they're very strong, but because I believe Andreas is very weak. Still think Dynazty takes the slot, though.

Second group is a lot harder to tip, I think!
Acustic version of Amazing, by Danny:

Thoughts? I'm finding it a bit hard to evaluate, in part due to the horribly out of tune piano...

Anyway, I saw he confirmed on his fb page that he had indeed had technical problems last Saturday.
Oh yeah, blame the piano! :lol One of them is a bit off anyway. That's pretty nice though. You can actually appreciate the song a lot more.
Who would have thought SC would be my most profitable evening so far this MF :) when the bookies didn't adjust odds after Top Cats (if barely) won the audience poll, I first though it was some kind of mistake. But the odds remained so up until the event! I got 12.50 Top Cat to Q (added to my bet above @10.00), as well as Top Cat H2H Dynazty @4.73. Both quite mad odds.

Oh, and Timoteij beat Andreas J. Happy days! Now I'm all ready for Loreen ruining the finals ;)
Iiiiif she does ruin it, that is! The final draw is out, and it seems like Mr Björkman still believes in Danny for ESC, after all. Danny performs last, after a ballad, and with max disance to the similar song from David Lindgren! A near-perfect draw, only slight downside is Loreen also getting an ok draw at 6th (2nd would have been ok with me :) ).

Let's see how the odds look tomorrow!
Nice going squall. Whatever happens with Loreen, she'll forever be in my heart. <3
Make no mistake: I'd be proud to see Sweden send Loreen to ESC. She absolutely deserves it. But I'm not sure she would place better than Danny. And more importantly - my book right now says: pleeease win, Danny ;) no catastrophe with Loreen either though.

Do I find Euphoria magical, as so many do? No, I don't. This, however, is pure magic:

That honestly brings a tear to my eye... and even more so, knowing that it got thrown in the thrash by the Swedish voting audience (albeit in a dance version - much like Euphoria is). See why I'm finding it so hard to believe that the swedes have suddenly taken Loreen to their hearts?

The 4 million MF audience is NOT the same as the 1k fanatical Internet Loreen-following, pouring out their hate in all the Danny-videos comment fields.
This Melody Festival is certainly pulling in the punters looking at the number of hits this thread has begotten,and engendered a feeling of excitement about the Swedish entry, Love Generation making X-Factor winners Little Mix look like mewling pygmies;there are half a dozen quality entries,and whether Danny puts Loreen in the club or not,they are the deserved front-runners in the betting faced with the mediocrity of the field in the Eurovision contest thus far.
Danny lost 2nd on iTunes to Sean Banan now, after yesterday's performance by Sean. Loreen still holds 1st. Is this a beginning of a slip for Danny, or will he regain 2nd? It's evident that Loreen has a solid lead in any case - but be careful, iTunes didn't translate to votes, last year.
Ok, that's it. Right, Squall, Steve and Archi, get yourselves an avatar as it's becoming a real pisser telling you apart. C'mon, make an effort... that goes for escbet too :rant