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Melodifestivalen 2012

I translated it. Lots of people getting very unsure and loads of people with theories suggesting Danny's teen vote and international juries will take the win from Loreen. I'm bored of this mini competition. Let it be over.
Loreen won the audience poll, but not by much. Looks like it will be the duel we’ve expected:
1. Loreen 415 röster (36,7%)
2. Danny 380 röster (33,3%)
3. David Lindgren 58 röster 5,1%)
4. Ulrik Münther 56 röster (5%)
5. Molly Sanden 46 röster (4,1%)
6. Thorstein Flinck 42 röster (3,7%)
7. Dead by April 40 röster (3,5 %)
8. Lisa Miskovsky 39 röster (3,5 %)
9. Top Cats 32 röster (2,8%)
10. Björn Ranelid 19 röster (1,7%)

These are my plays for tonight:

Outright: Danny = super, Loreen = reasoably bad, anyone else = pretty damn catastrophe.

DBA under 77p @1,70
Ulrik over 46p @1,91
Molly under 87p @1,80

DBA last place @14,00
Danny jury win @3,50
Lisa jury win @15,00
Ulrik jury win @50,00 :) just a bit...

David Lindgren H2H Molly @2,10 and @2,20
Ranelid H2H DBA @3,55 and @3,20
Ulrik H2H Top Cats @2,10

Winner score <241 @2,00

What do you guys think? good/bad?
I'm sorry squall - I had no interest in the betting for this but much as I loved Loreen I was quite happy to see you, and all Danny bettors walk away laughing. I think I'd have preferred Danny actually betting wise as I just think the markets would be far more interesting. Damn though, Loreen is amazing. To me.
No problem Mickey - thanks for your concern :) I've had far worse beats, and with the smaller bets that actually made a bit of a profit yesterday, MF in total probably was about break even (although I've yet to summarize it).

Also, it's good to see it's not just me liking Ulrik :) he was tipped last or second last...

And congrats to your fave winning! I agree she deserved it.
Interesting fact: this last semi had by far the fewest viewers, but the by far most votes.

Why is this?
Could be that the upset Lisa Miskovsky made a huge mark, or that the overall quality was that much better this week. Or, there's the possibility that well-produced, gimmicky stage-shows with a handsome dude singing are really, really hard to beat ;)

This actually was correct. Danny had by far the most votes of all entries in the semis (despite the lousy singing at the time). What I failed to grasp was the extent of the following Loreen had aquired during the weeks since her performance. Ironically, she might not have won, had she performed in the last semi.
The title Euphoria expresses it all:a feeling of extreme happiness or well-being possibly leading to a pathological state such as mania. Here Loreen(pronounced Law-ray-an) manifests doubts and insecurity in her soul-searching eyes as to whether her love is requited and holds on to the moment:she is the sole focus of the song until her lover arrives to guard and nurture;the bystander who hears and watches this combination of Echo of Greek mythology and Mona Lisa come alive as she struggles against the elements of wind and snow, reminiscent of the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights(and here Kate Bush is worth a mention),as she lurches between hope and despair,as finally hope prevails in the optimistic chorus and she is lifted up by her lover;we have endured the maelstrom of emotion with laser and vocoder with the viewer afforded no break in this chiaroscuro artistic masterpiece..
The title Euphoria expresses it all:a feeling of extreme happiness or well-being possibly leading to a pathological state such as mania. Here Loreen(pronounced Law-ray-an) manifests doubts and insecurity in her soul-searching eyes as to whether her love is requited and holds on to the moment:she is the sole focus of the song until her lover arrives to guard and nurture;the bystander who hears and watches this combination of Echo of Greek mythology and Mona Lisa come alive as she struggles against the elements of wind and snow, reminiscent of the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights(and here Kate Bush is worth a mention),as she lurches between hope and despair,as finally hope prevails in the optimistic chorus and she is lifted up by her lover;we have endured the maelstrom of emotion with laser and vocoder with the viewer afforded no break in this chiaroscuro artistic masterpiece..

In short, it's a good strong song.

Thought you'd left Steve? :thinking
The title Euphoria expresses it all:a feeling of extreme happiness or well-being possibly leading to a pathological state such as mania. Here Loreen(pronounced Law-ray-an) manifests doubts and insecurity in her soul-searching eyes as to whether her love is requited and holds on to the moment:she is the sole focus of the song until her lover arrives to guard and nurture;the bystander who hears and watches this combination of Echo of Greek mythology and Mona Lisa come alive as she struggles against the elements of wind and snow, reminiscent of the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights(and here Kate Bush is worth a mention),as she lurches between hope and despair,as finally hope prevails in the optimistic chorus and she is lifted up by her lover;we have endured the maelstrom of emotion with laser and vocoder with the viewer afforded no break in this chiaroscuro artistic masterpiece..

Pure gobbledygook.
Pure gobbledygook.
The title Euphoria expresses it all:a feeling of extreme happiness or well-being possibly leading to a pathological state such as mania. Here Loreen(pronounced Law-ray-an) manifests doubts and insecurity in her soul-searching eyes as to whether her love is requited and holds on to the moment:she is the sole focus of the song until her lover arrives to guard and nurture;the bystander who hears and watches this combination of Echo of Greek mythology and Mona Lisa come alive as she struggles against the elements of wind and snow, reminiscent of the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights(and here Kate Bush is worth a mention),as she lurches between hope and despair,as finally hope prevails in the optimistic chorus and she is lifted up by her lover;we have endured the maelstrom of emotion with laser and vocoder with the viewer afforded no break in this chiaroscuro artistic masterpiece..
Here's what the fuss is all about..
I thnk what he was saying Steve was that this....

"Echo of Greek mythology and Mona Lisa come alive as she struggles against the elements of wind and snow, reminiscent of the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights

...was unnecessary. I don't believe for one second that any normal viewer tucking into their nachos or bag of king sized M&Ms will even consider Greek mythology or the Mona Lisa unless it appears right there in front of them. I believe you look far too deeply at the content of these songs and sometimes miss the glaringly obvious while writing irrelevant nonsense. It's Eurovision Steve - it's an expensive concert of low-grade pop. Please stop going on as if it were the opera or some philharmonic orchestra.
I have conceded on the frivolous Iceland thread,but don't take this performance and my words away from me:this is not rewriting Enid Blyton for modern readers.This performance is an all-time great moment for Eurovision,so markedly different from the schoolgirl choreography I endured with last year's winning entry. I could continue in this vein about the psyche of the human soul when I watch this video,but I have desisted,and have been reasonably concise. Of course you're right about the main viewing audience for the show,but viewers are not uniform or homogeneous,and we do not live in Beijing,so allow me my say.
Fire away Steve, I wont mind. It's actually kind of fun to read your analysis. But I agree with Gavster though, you are looking far too deeply into these songs.. It's great song for sure. But nothing super special, at least not for me. It is obviously one with great chance to win, but I feel like 3.0 odds are way too low right now. It's not Norway all over again. It's not that much above everyone else. Norway was almost a sure winner, this is not. at least not before we see the first shows when rehearsal time comes.
a clubland kate bush!!! i'm liking this, especially if that's a live vocal with all that movement? where it suffers and it's the fault of all dance tracks in eurovision is that it is one tempo throughout and therefore can't build to a climax. certainly a contender but not strong enough to defy the roulette of the draw, so it will depend where it is running.
a clubland kate bush!!! i'm liking this, especially if that's a live vocal with all that movement? where it suffers and it's the fault of all dance tracks in eurovision is that it is one tempo throughout and therefore can't build to a climax. certainly a contender but not strong enough to defy the roulette of the draw, so it will depend where it is running.
I can't see it being beaten actually:the bookies have Russia as second favourite which is a joke,Denmark third which has been plagiarized so would make me angry if it won..after last year I realized the bookies hadn't much of a clue anyway..I might bet on the Slovakian guy at 100/1..
Here's what the fuss is all about..
It's difficult to take anything positive from Eurovision 2012,with the UK entry finishing second to last,and Jedward's Waterline being washed out with the sluice. Maybe we should have our own Melody Festival,which over a seven month period narrows acts down to thirty-two,unlike the United Kingdom which imposes a choice of one at the eleventh hour..

It has often been said by Everybody that I am obsessed with Eurovision,but as I arrived at the airport from Waterloo and heard the Ding a Dong on the intercom and The Voice announcing Terminal Three Flight on Time I sought A Little Peace as I watched the Satellite television,and I begged my First Love Don't Leave Without Me because I Love Life..I was Running Scared as she suggested we do some Wild Dancing and felt,I Believe Euphoria as I Let It Swing and told Vikki our Love Is a Fairytale."You are my Number 1" I cried,"I Wanna make love to you Every Way That I Can". She said "Merci cherie" and gave me some Hard Rock,yes Rock Me- and sweets..I mused What If Life Is a Gift as I was Making My Mind Up I saw they were All Kinds of Everything and as I shared them four ways my heart went Boom Bang a Bang..I said "We lovers,Sleep My Love" and put "Nocturne" on my ipod. I enquired "Isn't your love Just Like Then..Pray..don't you love me Just a Little Bit? When I look In Your Eyes I Live For Singing La La La..that's Your Song,there's a Chorus if you Hold Me Now.."Yes A Little Bit"my Diva replied,"but I'm Caught In a Stormwind and love another also..in time You Will Recognize Yourself for what you are..I asked "Can't Love Shine a Light and go One Step Further..don't you want Rock 'n' Roll Kids?".She replied"I'm Not Old Enough.One Day One Child". I said "What's Another Year..After You I will no longer be able to live..I feel like a Puppet On a String..Go Before You Break My Heart..and as I thought "Why Me?" I reflected that we all have A Bench,A Tree A Street where we can cradle a dream,a childhood all too brief..hallelujah"
CONGRATULATIONS(and celebrations) on a post that makes more sense than usual:)