Right, now that the bad weather is behind us, I can start this thing in earnest. First an update from March, the two horses above both lost. The first one was backed into 7/4 from 3/1 and lost and the second one came 7th and then went out and won at 4/1 next time out

Scores on the doors so far this calendar year, 7 selections, two winners, profit of 20pts to date.
200 Salisbury today
Cotubanama has only ran once but cut through the pack to finish 3rd on its debut after being dropped out at the back. Don't know if that will be its run style or weather the jock was just caught out or outpaced. Also don't know how good or how tired the horses were that it overtook but at the very least it showed a game attitude and that's one of the things I look for in a young horse.
10pt win. 9/2 was available this morning but still plenty of 4/1 left but if I was advising a bet, I would take the insurance bet which means money back if it finishes 2nd or 3rd. 5/2 with Coral, Betred and Totesport.
The other one for today is is
Assimile.Steady enough debut finishing 4th, clear of the rest of the pack and then 2nd at 15/8 and then winning at 20/1. Failed on its first run on (heavy) turf with a rating on 79 so will be interesting to see how he fairs today on the same mark on soft. 2pts ew 25/1 1/5 3 places.