I see you are still trying to make it as a Pro.
You might want to do more research into your bets before you put money on them though.You have already pointed out that IF you had done the ones in you video you would have been in profit.This tells me that you are doing far too many bets as usual.You need to get out of the habit of thinking the more i bet the more i win.No way does a Pro do as many bets as what you are doing.Its just another car crash waiting to happen imo.Your staking is ok, but you really need to do LESS bets a day. You have already lost £5k last time and if you keep this up it will be another £3k.You have NO SOLID basis on which to become a PRO.You have just decided to do it one day. That is your downfall. Any potential pro starts off with a bank and goes 1-2 years trying to make a profit in that year.IF it goes well the results will speak for themselves, yours don't.
The other thing you did wrong is give up your job..You now sit at home and are bored so you bet more, and therefore lose more.
Try and limit yourself to just 5 or 10 a day (thats 24 hours). Do them and turn OFF the laptop. Go and do something else so you are not tempted to look or bet.You need a solid routine, and as of yet i dont think you have one.
Couple of other things..
Dont make yourself out to be a great gambler in your vids when your results do not back it up.A tee shirt you can get printed out anywhere.You can win the odd comp every now and then.Long term is where its at. All of your bets are all over the net and THIS is what people will base you on.
Be a little more professional in your video's as well.If im honest in some of them you come across as a bit immature.Remember you are trying to entertain people on you tube..OH btw you are not allowed to use other artists music.You vid will end up with NO AUDIO if you keep that up. WMG dont like it.
When you are sitting in your bedroom at your parents, sit the Lappy on a solid surface so the camera don't move about.Make sure you know exactly what you are going to say rather than make random shit up.if you are going to do this on a serious note then invest in a better camera as the quality is very poor.
Hope that helps in some way.