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server trouble

Been away for a few days and still hundreds of spammers clogging up the members online home page
I've put everybody on the new style because I'm looking for faults with it and it looks a lot better on mobile.

If anybody spots anything wrong with it plse tell me or tell me whether you prefer the other style.
Cannot see the facebook and twitter icons etc below the forums as they are the same colour as the background.
Nah, the more I'm using this skin the more I don't like it.
I'm working on a new one now called 'BNODTEST' It's selectable at the bottom of the forum, I'm nearly there but I can't see where to change the colour of the breadcrumb , fcuk I'm beginning to sound like Komp lol.
I've done some more work on 'BNODTEST' if anybody gets a minute could they plse have a look at it and tell me their thoughts and what skin they prefer.
I'm trying to get BNODTEST as close to the old skin as possible.
Can’t see it mate. Could you post a snapshot of where it is if poss?
you're right, Smilies don't seem to work at all now :cry
Well that one did, only because i typed it in lol
Non of the functions in the reply box seem to be working for me on my laptop although they do on my phone
It's weird this because the funtions work fine via firefox on my laptop but not on chrome.
maybe its a cache issue.
This is crackers.
I've a feeling it's this new skin BNODTEST.
Does anybody else get no response when they try and select smilies or anything in the info bar above when using a PC or laptop.
I think i've deleted all users barring admin and mods by mistake:embarassed
I selected all banned users to delete them and it looks like all users went.:frown
what a cock.
I'll try and restore a backup which means we may lose any recent posts.