Laptops are fucking garbage, man, unless you're willing to pay top whack for them.
I've smashed up three of the fuckers in the last 18 months through sheer anger at their incompetence

The first one was Mrs Seen's which I was using, she was not best pleased when she saw it lying there in a broken mess. She had a nerve complaining considering it was me who bought it. Admittedly it was a birthday present for her, but she hardly used it anyway
So I went off to PC World to buy a new one, paid £300 for a HP one, decent reviews for basic computing, which is all I needed it for, anyway it was fucking shite. All I wanted it to do was stream some shitty quality horse racing live video and it couldn't even do that with buffering and stuttering and cutting out completely. It wasn't my internet connection/speed as my PC which was sitting right next to it ran the same video perfectly well.
After one loss too many due to the shiteness of the laptop I kicked it's fucking head in. Gave it a right good hiding, I did. I can take losing money when gambling perfectly well but not when it's caused by something out of my hands, by something not working like it should. There was nothing on the laptop to cause problems either, I installed Chrome and NOTHING else, deleted all of the pre-installed crap that came bundled with it too, it was brand new and should have run like a well-oiled machine.
Anyway, it went off and when I tried to reboot it the hard drive couldn't be found. The mousepad wasn't working too well either

Took it back to PC World and played ignorant..."it just stopped working!" got sent off to be repaired free of charge. Got it back a couple of weeks later, seemed okay at first, in fact seemed considerably better, but soon it was back to be FUCKING SHITE again
Once again, after it cost me money by being a heap of shite, I punched it to fuck again. I even hit it where I knew the hard drive was (bottom right) to fuck it up. Job done, hard drive failure again

Couldn't be arsed taking it back again so bought a new hard drive and stuck it in and installed Windows 8 on instead of the abomination that is Windows 10 which was on originally. Surprise surprise, this works much better (still not perfect though, like it should be) and has so far evaded my wrath.
So Punt, if you want to feel a whole lot better, get a hammer and smash the little bastard to fuck