Punter, I don't know if it's any good to you, but I have a PC here you can have, it's a few years old now and obviously not as fast as a new one, but still works fine for general browsing, betting etc. My lad has been using it for a bit after I got my new one, but I bought him a new PC for Xmas so he doesn't need it anymore. I was gonna keep it for spares but I'm happy for you to have it if it's gonna help you out. I think I put a fresh copy of Windows 7 on recently too.
I'm pretty sure I've got a monitor kicking about somewhere too which you can have as well. Let me know and I'll get them down to you **at this point, a cold chill runs down Punter's spine as he shudders at the thought of sending Seen his actual address, but don't worry, he's nothing like his online persona in real life so you have nothing to worry about. Mind, if he was then I'm pretty sure he wouldn't tell you, so he might be after all**
Let me know anyway.