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Slicks bottom draw

Crossover draw picks...

Last weeks correct picks...
That's 1 from 9 picks:frown

That's 1 from 6 picks

1 point staked on each crossover =6 points , returned 3.5 points = 2.5 point loss

starting Bank 197.8
New Bank 195.3

original bank 200
profit/loss -4.7
Last edited:
No Prem or Championship this week due to the Internationals.
This weeks picks.....


All four picks are also crossovers so 1 point staked on each.
Last weeks correct picks...
Forest green
That's 3 from 4 picks:)

Same as above

Excellent if I say so myself, managed to bag all the draws in League 1 and 2 with 4 picks although limited games in league 1

1 point staked on each crossover =4 points , returned 11 points = 7 point gain

starting Bank 195.3
New Bank 202.3

original bank 200
profit/loss +2.3
Last weeks correct picks...
Robbed in the Fulham Wolves game lol
1 from 10 picks:cry

1 from 7 picks

1 point staked on each crossover =7 points , returned 3.4 points = 3.6 point loss

Last weeks starting Bank 202.3
New Bank 198.7

original bank 200
profit/loss -1.3
This weeks picks.....Everton would have made the cut if it wasn't for their 10 point deduction so I've added them.

A bit of a fcuk up last week as half of the picks arent being played until this weekend.
So what I'll do is combine last weeks picks with this weeks picks.

And from now on I'll just do the crossovers to stop this thread becoming confusing.
So every week I'll just have one set of picks.
A bit of a shit show these last couple of weeks mainly through cocking up picks a fortnight ago.

Lets try and sort the mess out.....

Last two weeks correct picks...
2 from 13 picks:frown

1 point staked on each crossover =13 points , returned 6.9 points = 6.1 point loss

Last weeks starting Bank 198.7
New Bank 192.6

original bank 200
profit/loss -7.4
Last weeks correct picks will be easy to sort out this week because there was none:lol

1 point staked on each selection =3 points , returned 0 points

Last weeks starting Bank 198.7
New Bank 195.7

original bank 200
profit/loss -4.3
Correct picks..
Not a great return is it:frown

1 point staked on each selection =10 points , returned 7 points

Last weeks starting Bank 195.7
New Bank 192.7

original bank 200
profit/loss -7.3
For some reason I didn't post last weeks picks.
Anyhow here they are...


1 point staked on each selection =6 points , returned 3.4 points

Last weeks starting Bank 192.7
New Bank 190.1

original bank 200
profit/loss -9.9
Both winners :)

1 point staked on each selection =2 points , returned 6.9 points

Last weeks starting Bank 190.1
New Bank 197

original bank 200
profit/loss -3
That's bollox that isn't it because I'm also adding the stake to the profit.
I'll have a look at it again tomorrow when I'm sober lol.