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Feedback and Suggestions

lol whats up with you all? Youve got a comments and suggestions forum and im only using it. Fuck talk about prams and rattles. Im just saying that maybe you should let some of your regulars have the ability to delete these posts thats all.

ok ill leave you too it. No wonder i fell out with you all so much back then. We obviously see thing differantly. I dont see a problem with suggesting that you have more folks with the ability to moderate the place when no one is there. I could go on and say that its a bit shit that on a saturday morning you dont have a single mod popping by but ill just leave it. do ss you please. No ownder no cunt posts here,
Rename this forum "Comments and suggestions that we want to hear please" Will that suit you all better?
Just look after your own place Komp , instead of coming over here with ( so called ) constructive criticism , we don't need it...

lol you dont need it? you mean you dont want to hear it. Ok i will keep my critism to myself. you all must be so proud od what youve achieved with the place. It dont matter that you have no betting posts as all you really wanted was a wee place to sit about talking about what shift you was on at work eh? It just doesnt get better than this. Maybe i should just keep out of it. I dont think i can stand this excitment.
Its like trying to tell someone that theyre a bad mother. they'll just tell you to fuck off and mind your own business all the while the child gets whipped.
sorry i forgot what i was here for. slick/mick just take down my link from here please. We'll just call it a day. Feel free to remove this account. I wont be using it. I'll leave you all to it.
sorry i forgot what i was here for. slick/mick just take down my link from here please. We'll just call it a day. Feel free to remove this account. I wont be using it. I'll leave you all to it.

What was that you were saying about prams and rattles? :lookaround
Komp has got a point, Seen yes, i agree....it might just be the way he puts it :lol
getting a list-item when viewing forums slick. Not when viewing main forum page just in forums.

i cant see where its coming from but ill have a longer look as im saaaaaad.
ok on firefox and thus chrome tools leave te job a real hard 'un to sort out. I need to start putting my energies into something else slick soz. Im trying to keep a 'do fuck all' equilibriam.
lol, I'll have to read this when I'm sober cause I ain't got a scooby's what ure talking about, all I can see is you circling little blue balls, wtf's a list item?

So long as peeps can post their thoughts I don't think I will lose any sleep unless you come back and tell me how important it is lol.

On a brighter note, good to see you again m8 and how's the family, you's all talking again? and last but not least have we kicked those chem drugs into touch?

I've been fearing the worst cause I've not seen you for a while.