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Link Exchange (& more?)

navTabs {
font-size:0.875rem; font-size: 14px;

.navTabs .publicTabs .navLink {
padding-left: 0.75rem; padding-left: 12px;
padding-right: 0.75rem; padding-left: 12px;

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padding: 0 8px;

.tabLinks a:hover {
color: #B72A07


navTabs .navTab.selected .tabLinks a:hover {
color: #B72A07

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font-size: 14px;
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padding: 0.3125rem;
padding: 5px;
height: 30px;

breadBoxTop, .breadBoxBottom {
clear: both;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0 0 8px;
ach im away to bed but this should tighten up the forum hoe biy

node .nodeStats {
border-bottom: 1px dotted #CEC8C8;
color: #B72A07;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 20px;
margin-top: 0;
padding: 0;

.node .nodeText .nodeTitle {
border-top-style: none;
font-size: 12pt;
margin-top: 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;

.node .nodeIcon {
float: left;
height: 40px;
margin: 5px 13px 10px;
width: 40px;
Cheers Komp, I will get round to reading it but I've other things to worry about at the moment, that's not a sentence to put you off posting up your thoughts as I appreciate them and will take them on board.

Tween you and me my mam's dying of cancer and going through a rough patch at the moment, It's been going on since around christmas and I've not mentioned it before on the forum but it's the reason I've not been around of late as often I would have liked.
We all know that one day or another it'll happen to our nearest and dearest but when that time finally comes it sure is a shitter.
What are you doing reading these boring threads lol.

Thanks for the concern Punt, my mothers actually been an inspiration to me through all of this tell the truth.
If it wasn't for her spirit she'd have gone months ago, things are starting to take their toll now but her fight to keep on going after all the shit she's been through is remarkable.
Her latest escapade was getting rushed into hospital on wednesday with what turned out to be pneumonia, she was at a local dinner to support the local oap community and obviously must have felt like shite b4 she went but nothing stops her.
She's like one of those duracell bunny's and trying to cram in as much as she can.

When I get a couple of free hr's I'll explain fully as a few lines don't do her justice.
Sorry to hear about your mum Slick. I can kinda understand how you feel as my mum aint been good for a year or so now. Shes due a brain scan soon. Had a lacuna stroke. I find it hard to think of life without my mum. Yes she's put me down since i can remember and i can do no right in her eyes but shes my mum and i remember when she was just a single mum looking after me and my brother doing 2 jobs a day etc etc.

We fall out about everything and anything these days it seems mind. Within 45 seconds on the phone she will have said YOU NEED FUCKING SECTIONED (she did section me once against my will but anyhow...)

Last week she threw me out of her house as i tried to explain to her how Jesus was just one of about 15 people who where the 'son of god' (it really means something to do with star formations and epochs) Fuck how dare i question her god. I never even knew that she was religious.

That time i was tripping with the shit on my face slick she was at the hospital with me. I told her at the time that its ok as we are always gonna be together. Who knows if thats true but i suppose theres as much chance as there being some weird spirit thing going on as universes coming into existance and then making stars which in turn made us.

Anyhow :hope your maw gets a good few more years Slick. No one has ever not died so you know it has to happen sometime. Just make your relationship with her from now till then the best you can.

Back to this slick....aye get rid of all your banners and just put banners to your own free bets site. I think thats the way to do it. (aye 10 years ago komp we've missed the fucking bus now) lol
Sorry to hear about this Slick - Hope your mother does not suffer too much pain

My father died of Leukemia a few years back so seeing someone deteriorate before your own eyes is hard to deal with. Worst of all is they just want life to carry on as normal - they want to be treated as normal but what is happening to them is not normal.

I hope she can enjoy her life as best she can and does not suffer too much
right forgive me me folks we never hit the parts that matter. I forgot that your using the best new body text about but your not using it on the body but for menu links instead!!!! lol no you have it set as the body text but instead are using Tahoma for this text we're reading. Who uses Tahoma ever? lol

Theres some sort of reset css file going on thats probably setting your font size to 65% as it was all the rage about 4 years ago. Then there seems to be something bringing it right up and thats why 11px body text looks more like 13px. Id start off with this in my main css sheet

body {
background-color: #404040;
color: #2D2A2A;
font-family: 'Open Sans',Arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 100%;
line-height: 1.62;
min-width: 300px;
word-wrap: break-word;

ah hah here's the bit thats making everything 'weird'

.message .messageInfo {
font-size: 9px; ----- change that to 100%

there is still something making your font real small if i use 100% for body text i get tiny text Suppose this would do as a stop gap

.messageText {
font-family: inherit;
font-size: 0.9375rem;
line-height: 1.625rem;

get rid of all things to do with fonts in this bit-

.message .messageInfo {

just suggestions slick but things will look defo better.


  • Capture.JPG
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last thing from me. there defo seems to be a problem with your code somewhere Slick. Google loves well coded websites. if its having as much problems as sites like this gettig through then it will hurt you in the long run for sure
just found this that really makes text nice-

html, html a{
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
text-shadow:1px1px1px rgba(0,0,0,0.004);}
'ere slick you think my new website is gona be at odds wth betnod?
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i deleted the link. it was quantumhitler.com I dont half buy some shit web urls.

Anyhow.... im still farting about with ukonline.today I dont care about content and posting i just care about trying to make things 'pretty. Im not very good at it. Just deleted a weeks worth of styling there. Lets not worry about that. Just here to talk about betnod now.

I like your thread prefixes slick. very handy. Only prob i can see with the pace is that durty big non responsive bet365 banner. Try the site on a small browser window slick and you'll see that that causes a left right scroll. Nasty big brute. Hold on if i log out i cant see it.....errrr brb
nah its my firefox. i dont see flash in it. Full of viruses i am. my computer/me/my website are all compete messes and near deaths door.

That big bet365 banner has no div class to it slick. Its just fired on top of a template im presuming? If you want to hide it for anyone thats not viewing the site on full width you'll need to do something like this-

<div class="hidestuff"> the banner code </div>

and then in your css file slick-

@media screen and (max-width:1169pxpx) {
.hidestuff {

that should hide it whenever the screen is smaller than the banner. You could get funky and add smaller banners when the screen gets too wee but.....banners are shit. Id just have a link to a freebets page or similar. Thats not for me to comment though.

nothing is showing up here for betnod slick.

Think you must have some code errors. google HATES websites with code errors btw. It will affect your ranking.

Not tooo many errors mind slick

dunno why websites dont want to connect to you. let me try chrome developer tools and see if that shows your site.... nah just blank there too slick. you defo have a problem that needs a sorting slick. try another theme and see if it shows on that responsinator site again.

this makes your new thread prefixes look better

.prefix.prefixBlue {
background-color: rgb(102, 105, 101);
border-color: rgb(102, 105, 101);
color: white;

although you might want to try a different default colour before hacking the blue one.

if you want them bottom block banners to look better at mid screens slick then you could try adding-

/* No greater than 1110px, no less than 768px */
@media(max-width:1110px) and (min-width:768px) {

#uix_footer_columns .uix_footer_columns_4 > li {


thats just guessing the widths though as i cant use my page width thingy on anything bar firefox and i dont get flash. ach it dont matter does it? Maybe i should actully go outside once in a while :\
I've changed the banner but it's still shite with that large blank space to the right of it, I'll have a look at it over the weekend.
I also need to install a mobile skin which auto switches for mobiles or tablets, I did have it on a while back but it fcuked up after the last forum upgrade.
nah everything is all responsive design now Slick. No more mobile skins etc. Its all the same skin. The only problem you have with that banner is the width. Try looking at betnod on a browser window half the size of normal or on a tablet etc. The banner will either cause left right scroll or push the website to the left. Big fuck off banners are yesterdays news and you either want to ust have it on the site when viewing in fulll 1200px ode and hidden on smaller resolutions as my media query will do. Or have text links.
Just hide the long skinny bet365 banner you had Slick on any resolution lower than full width. something like this-

<div class="hidestuff"> <object>the banner code etc</object> </div>

and then in your css file slick-

@media screen and (max-width:1169pxpx) {
.hidestuff {

It might have to to be min-width:1169px if the max width is wrong. Infact im sure im wrong it should be-

@media screen and (min-width:1169pxpx) {
hidestuff {


more here-

you could then add a smaller banner and ONLY show it on mobiles using a reverse rue from the one youve just added.
I popped in last week, full of the same shit drugs that up untill now i thought where 'ok for a bit of a laugh' to discover. How much of a dick i had become/always was and all the time the big joke was aways on me.

(cant find 4chan vid)

I marveled (??) on these drugs at how cool Slick & betnod was & i wish i had seen his replies above a few weeks before my amphetamine binge.

I saw how ridiculas and misguided all of the above was and wanted to apologise but as ever i cantr face up to anything till my net night of alcohol.

betnod is a great place. It doesnt need me. I love how you#ve earnt fuck all as my biggest gripe agaist any betting website owner is them thinking that the money is important. I never ever stopped to think that you all where never ever in it for the money. At least now 'i get it' and if there is a problem between us then it's probably my problem I just though that...bah i dont know....how could any of you ever just be in it for the money? (im sorry)

Arrrrghhhhh all my phase 117.3 problems of website reconcile make me look like the person that ive become. The sort of man i hate. I hope my realisation of this goes someway of defending my 'im not a dick really' type of way.

bah again im no better than tht video above. All i can do to save my sanity is say that im just gonna post on my own on punterslife till i am ready to face it all again. Your all welcome to pop by as i dont allow registration nor comments and i do have possibly loads of things that could make your moment a good one.

Im sorry for losing sight of myself & generally going on like a dick the past 8 years or so. 5th may 2015 TDP reunion party is all i have in my diary mind.
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