If I had to bet I would choose Germany as well, but I dont quite like 5/6 (that's 1.83, right?). It's close though, as with odds of 2.0 I would bet for Germany for sure. I've been following this pairings odds also, but feel like there is only small value, if any.
Strenght wise those songs are very close to each other, with small edge on Germany. I feel like Germany has slight edge in three different categories: song itself, language (English songs tend to do better), and going right after spain.In my mind all those combined makes Germany a favourite in this pairing. So I might snatch 1.83, but I'm hoping it maybe rises a bit.. and that's when I'll be betting on it
I dont know how much looks affect the outcome, and both of them are attractive for sure. So I think looks-wise it's a tie. I dont know which ones get more votes simply on looks, men or women. I would think men, but I'm not sure. It's different genre, and different age groups vote on these things, but looks like in other music competitions it's harder for women to win than it is for men. If someone follows American Idol they would know what I mean. (same in Finland, men get the teen girl attention) Good looking guys tend to get votes simply on their looks, but the same thing doesnt seem to work with attractive women. Looks like teenage girls are more fanatic in voting simply for good looks. Teenage boys dont vote as much, they just drool.