Every year i give a cd of all entries to my daughter (21) and son (15),this year they watched them all on Youtube.Last year they both picked Sweden.I backed it on that EW.The year before they both went for Satelite.This year my daughter went for Sweden again (theres my idea it is dated blown away) and Germany,her friends all like Germany,my son picked Denmark.Pure none scientific of course.Thinking about the gender issue it's more evenly split today than in the past when male singers rarely got a look-in. Germany's song is pretty dire,let's be honest,and I don't envy you working out whether it will beat an equally poor Spanish song. Spain does have to compete with the likes of Azerbaijan,France,Italy,maybe Ukraine whereas Roman has tough competition with Tooji and Zeljko. I think you're right about teenage boys not voting as much,but teenage girls will vote for other females;it's the middle-aged females who won't vote for their younger and more attractive sex.
Like you said iv looked at the support more,and i think like you indicated Germany edge that.Its an interesting match,but like you said wether there is any value is debatable,but i think maybe there is a bit in Germany.