8pts Norway top 10 Betfair,so far half matched up at 2.36 and 2.46 .There is very little on the lay side and keeps getting taken around 2.4,lovely

I've been thinking of this same bet for a while. Havent decided what I think of it. Last year 43 countries and Azerbaijan got 221 points, which is 5,1 points on average per country. The year before that Lena got 246 points with 39 countries, 6,3 points average. Lena's average this year would mean the winner gets 265 points, as there are 42 participants this year. in 2009 "fairytale" obviosuly crushed. before 2009 we didnt have jury, so I dont know how comparable those are.What do you think to this?
Winning nation total points: 260 or below @ 1.95
Like Archi iv had this on my radar a while but keep pulling back from it.Im leaning into it now though but its really a lay against Sweden as if they dont win i cant see the winner getting more than 260.So really we have an evens ish lay on Sweden and in that context a strong bet.What do you think to this?
Winning nation total points: 260 or below @ 1.95
not worth the risk imo. i don't think sweden will run away with it and we haven't had the draw yet... but i think russia might wherever it's drawn if there is enough hype about the backstory? the one imponderable about russia though is how the jury's will mark it?What do you think to this?
Winning nation total points: 260 or below @ 1.95
I always think trading to a free bet is always a good call,you got yourself into a good position so why not make the best of it.Iv got big free runs on Italy and Romania now win and top 4.I was hoping to be in the same position with Greece but not yet.Iv been taking some win market on them at 46s so im really hoping for a good show in rehearsal sunday and it comes in to 35s or less as id like to run them win and top 4 free if possible.yeah that's what I'm thinking also, and that's what I'm probably gonna do. I wont take the profit though, but free bet does seem tempting, and that would help reduce the agony during SF1Thanks, that's what I needed. I was leaning on the option to take a free bet, just needed some reassurance that it's a decent choice right now
good points,my early bets always carry too much of my roll for the final event and are placed to trade out later and the amount i trade out depends on if the price then stands,however like you said my match bets even if well in still hold and will run without any tinkering.I think on Archis bets its more risk management as he is deep on the not qualify bet.EV-wise you should of course only hedge if you think the 1.35 odds now accurately reflect their chances. Just because you can get a free bet now doesn't automatically make the hedge a profitable bet. Remember that each bet must hold its own, regardless of earlier bets.
This can of course change as a part of a risk-management strategy, if you have too large a portion of your roll riding on this particular bet.
EV-wise you should of course only hedge if you think the 1.35 odds now accurately reflect their chances. Just because you can get a free bet now doesn't automatically make the hedge a profitable bet. Remember that each bet must hold its own, regardless of earlier bets.
This can of course change as a part of a risk-management strategy, if you have too large a portion of your roll riding on this particular bet.
Me too Archi,the only interest i have is a small match bet on the Netherlands to beat Belgium across the 2,its almost like SF2 isnt happening,i cant see any value or get any angle.Might change with rehearsals but i just stare at it blank.Yeah, I know this. And it's really hard to say, but I think 1.35 is pretty close to the correct odds. Who really knows, everyone only has educated guesses and estimations, and I feel like it's getting close to the "right" price. And I think I will hedge, but whether I will risk it and bet after rehearsals or before is the issue with me. Because I expect odds to move when rehearsals begin. And yeah, it's risk management more than anything else with me right now. I need to trade some bets just to not risk too big of a hole. And I will still have somewhat significant risk on SF1, and finals, but trading this away will help with the agony on SF1 night.
Strange, I have very little bets on SF2. I find it very hard to analyze. I feel like SF2 is a lot harder to bet on compared to SF1.
Im not sure on that Gavster.I think Cyprus will sink,but if Turkey does that wandering around drunk thing i fear for them.Plus Cyprus seems to be doing so well with the polls,i know we try to ignore them etc but that live performance wasnt bad.Maybe thats a bet to grab after youv seen the rehearsals?It does look very generous on the face of it though.Maybe see the Cyprus rehearsal then decide?Betsson have Turkey vs Cyprus 1.72. That's a tad generous isn't it?